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Saturday 1 March 2014

Report #9

Had been really busy nowadays and time is a limiting factor, but (!) I've found out that the computer in my work place can respond to my hard disk. *.* The last time I tried connecting my phone to it, it doesn't work and I was freaking out but then I brought my hard disk to work and it works! So yay.

Discovered some really interesting stuff you might be interested in: 

You will have noticed by now that both of them are entire different games altogether. The top one is obviously from BMP (from Jan's St. Valentine's Day route) while the bottom one is from Vampire Darling (when they were having the vampires' meeting).

Its BL btw

I was playing VD when suddenly I realized that I had seen the scene before and then went to check my screen captures. And there it was. 

Another thing; do you realize that the princes actually changes clothes?? O.O

I was so surprised!! I remembered scrolling down to Ed's picture one fine day and then thought something was wrong because he obviously wasn't wearing what he wore the last time I scrolled down. Then I made a mental note to check in during different times of the day, and TADAH! I was so ecstatic! 

He started wearing formal at about 6am (or at least the earliest I can check), casual at about 3pm and night attire at about 6pm or so. I pretend we're spending the day together. LOL But he wakes up too early and goes to bed too early. I had set my time zone to my country's so I have no idea if he is actually following my time but I loved to believe so. 

So there you go; some fun discovery to light up your day~ b^.^d 

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