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Tuesday 1 April 2014

Report #10

Hello everyone, you should have seen the notice on the right side of your screen on the Notes column. As you have read, I am having an issue right now and I'm trying my best to deal with it.

I lost my portable disk. Yes.

*stabs self*

As in the portable disk that has everything in it - all my game screencaptures, special gacha/guard/party scenes, all the screencaptures of the clothes my avatar wore, screencaptures of when the princes came to my house and when the bodyguards say stuff, a lot of other things. Including all my personal stuff too from years ago.

Big sigh.

I know. I should have a back up, but I didn't have another portable disk to store all my data in. I'm trying to figure out a way to keep them posts coming.

Just plain misfortune on my part...

I had it stored safely in my bag and I have no idea how it disappeared; it was just... gone. Along with my rubber band. So.

Luckily I still have Keith's route's screencaptures from the first episode in my phone, but unfortunately, Edward's route is all inside the disk. Sora's route will keep coming because I made the sensible choice to schedule my posts in advance. <.< I have one event left in the disk that hasn't been posted - Secret Escape for BMP. SIGH. Its about us escaping/eloping with the prince.

Just have to be careful next time and be smart. Omg...

Be rest assured; you can continue reading while I try to ensure the continuation of the posts. ^.^

And I have another issue too - national service. In Malaysia, people get enlisted when they are 18 to serve for 3 months, randomly. So I was chosen and I have to be away from everything, thus the choice to schedule my posts. I know the computer wouldn't readily be available to me so I wanna make sure everything is fine here. I love posting these posts so much~~

Wait for me to come back and sort these things out. In the meantime, keep reading!

Enjoy! :D

p.s. On another note, you can read my sister's game blog here (it will open in a new window); we choose princes and bodyguards to play in events, so whoever you did not see in here in a particular event, it will be in her blog. :) So, in simple terms, we actually have the data of all 6 princes/bodyguards and we exchange stories about them.


  1. Hi, sorry to hear about your portable disk. Hopefully you'll get everything sorted out =)
    And good luck with the national service! It is fun so I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Although I didn't had the chance to complete it, which is a bit saddening :(

    1. Hey thanks! I'll try my best to enjoy it. ^.^
