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Saturday 15 November 2014

(Goto) My Sweet Bodyguard - Episode 1

At first, I wasn't sure what Goto is like - well, you'll never know for anyone. But the thing is, he is such an emo and reserved person and if he is real, our conversations would be filled with awkward silences. It was also hard to raise our compatibility somehow.

I had actually read his story halfway before my phone died and so when I got my new phone, I did everything I could to see his route through. The answers I choose might be different and it could change the tide. But no matter what, I will always love him and I hope that you will keep on reading. ^.^ I will try to stick to the chosen answers though but if I feel like choosing the other answer, then I will~

Happy reading! Cherish the moments with the last bodyguard we will ever have.

Oh yeah, how stupid am I! I checked my folder and I actually had screen captures on episode 5 onwards only. *face palm* So I shall recite from memory what happened on episode 1. 

I also didn't get to screen capture much when I replay because I kept forgetting that I didn't have the first few episodes but since I still have a somewhat fresh memory of his route, I shall try my best to write down what happened. :) I will do it with a little reference from what's available on the net.


I was working as a mascot for a funfair and then out of a sudden, evil people targeted me and so I was taken to the official residence for safety. The five bodyguards (Goto is not a BG) were introduced to me and it was decided that they will take turns guarding me. I were to live in the official residence for the moment as it was too risky for me to live in my apartment alone ever since they found out I am the daughter of the prime minister Hiraizumi.

Kaiji, my childhood friend that I couldn't recognize (and neither he me), drove me back to my apartment. I couldn't believe that such a bully could grow up to be so dressed up and proper, and told him that. He replied that it was a long time ago and he didn't remember bullying anyone. We chatted until we reached my apartment and then he waited for me while I hastily packed my stuff. What I 'need' turned out to be 2 big bags lol. He was surprised, but he loaded my luggage in the trunk anyway while telling me off "I said to bring what you need only.". "But this is what I need!" I protested back.

Without saying anything, he walked to the front door of my apartment and stood there for a moment. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was just checking if the door was locked properly. So with my belongings in tow, we went back to the official residence. 

On the way back, it started to rain. Kaiji suddenly slammed on the brake, propelling me a little forward and he held out a hand to steady me, He apologized and explained that a cat ran out to the road. The situation triggered something in me as I vaguely remembered something. A man's face appeared in my head but it was hazy and I couldn't remember much of what happened on that rainy day long ago.

Back at the residence, I walked around by myself and heard some voices so I went closer and kinda eavesdropped. It was Subaru and Katsuragi and they seemed to be discussing my situation. They couldn't see me so I stuck around a little longer. I overheard them talking about something called Red Snake.

"Its rude to do that," someone said behind me. I was surprised and turned behind. It was a man I have never seen before, and after that he walked off while the two others heard our conversation and realized that I overheard their discussion. 

This was basically what happened in episode 1 and I hope I didn't make it confusing! 

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