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Friday 25 October 2013

Report #8

BMP is having a Halloween event now! Do check it out if you can!


I know I haven't been updating for long and I'm sorry!! I'm currently having finals so please understand. >.< I barely have time to go online nowadays...

I will update as often as I can whenever I'm free - so do keep looking at this space~ When its all over, I will have loads of time to update.

But until then, I request for your patience. ;_;

Saturday 5 October 2013

Celebrity Darling - One Night Kiss (Event)

Congratulations to their first event ever~!

In this event, apparently you will be awarded a kiss by different characters once you reach a certain point level. And it will be really gross if it was someone you have no whatsoever romantic inclination towards, eg: your manager. Yup, he was one of the characters.

Maybe he has fans too, so they might love it!


My manager


He likes randomly appearing in others' routes.



I actually enjoyed this scene!


... while watching a movie.


I kinda like Haru. 


He is like a CD version of Jean Pierre.

Wow, I think I played most, if not every, character in this event.

~Love Point Kisses~

Personally, I prefer Sota. :3