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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Be My Princess Official Fanbook - Wilfred A. Spencer

*[ ] = me, ( ) = admin from credited page

Name: Will A. Spencer
Age: 25
Birthday: April 5
Hometown: Philip Kingdom 
Blood Type: Type A
Height: 178 cm 
Weight: 61 kg 
Size of the foot: 27.5 cm: 
Vision: 0.5 Right/ 0.2 Left [I know he does wear specs; at least his eyesight is a little normal? XD]
Personality and cognition  Calm and gentlemanly
Catchphrase: … Maybe?
Charm point: Blue eyes
Special Skill: Speed-reading
[The first thing I noticed is his legs - THOSE LEGS.]

30 Questions ask to Wilfred:
Wilfred basically loves the winter times and enjoys joy riding in his car (you’ll hear about this in the route). His favorite food is meat pie and loves cats. [Cat man?] He loves reading so his favorite place is the archives in the castle. He is happiest when the person he is with, smiles. What he finds the most attractive from a woman is her smile. He loves on a woman is simple clothing. What he doesn’t like and doesn’t really like to admit is carrots (you’ll see it in the route too)
1.  What is your favorite season?
2. Favorite ride?
Don’t like it but a car
3. What is your favorite food?
Meat pie
4. Animal do you like?
5. My boom? (something you’ve gotten into)
People who like and take a nap
6. His motto is?
I especially have not decided
7. Do not lose to anyone?  
I never wanted someone to want win, it might be.
8. You have to take on a desert island?
A book
9. Your favorite place to go alone?
Archives in the castle
10. The moment you feel happy?
When a person you were with a smile….
11. What do you want in a gift from the women?
What you want…. no? (i think he’s saying this jokingly)
12. Where you find a women attractive??
13. Extracurricular activities of school days? (off)
I had been riding all the way
14. What is your in mind every day?
Observation of the pot
15. Treasure?
That potted flowers
16. What Women’s clothing do you like?
Simple clothes …?
17. When was your first love?
Right now. Maybe
18. Routine in the morning?
Freshly brewed cup of tea
19. Something you do as a change of mood from doing governmental duties?
Outside views
20. Until now, the most serious injury?
Scratch when I fell
21. Sleeping position is?
22. Nickname?
23. Recently, you learned it?
Roshambo (Rock Paper Scissors) is the first I’ve heard that it rules out the goo (off)
24. First words when you woke up?
· · ·
25. Favorite Drink?
26. Who are the people that you respect the most?
Do not tell « guess he didn’t answer
27. In fact I dislike?
Carrot. Please do not say to other people.
28. Dating spot you want to go?
Anywhere is fine as long as we’re together. I want to be ordinary.
29. If you can time travel ?
Is good right now because I think I am happiest now.
30. Word to my future self
Will, you have to fulfill the obligation, right?
And also her …

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