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Thursday 6 December 2012

My OFFICIAL Holiday Have Started!

          So, I haven't been all that free until now because I've been prepping for my CAE examinations and it ended yesterday! Which means that I can do whatever I want now! *fire burning in eyes*

          I have been waiting for this moment - but no, I have been reminded and suggested to study for next year during the hols. Oh God, why... I don't mind studying at all, but for now, I guess I'll just relax. XD

          Came across something amazing yesterday while scrolling through Facebook on my phone - I am lead to the mobile simulation games platform! I never knew that you could play otome games (maiden games) in the phone and it makes me feel so lucky to own an Android. I am like so super happy. *jumps with joy* And so, I clicked here and clicked there, downloaded some games until my phone's internal storage nearly reached the brim and was forced to delete some games. XD

          In case you're wondering, please check out Voltage INC and GREE; they are Japanese teams who create otome games and their guys are like so good-looking. I am literally bursting with joyful tears because they look like the otome games anime girls play in animes and I had been finding for this kind of game for so long. The only drawback is that it is only available on Android and IPhone, and my phone's screen is small as hell it hurts my eyes trying to read the dialogues.

          But if you have an IPad, well, that's a whole lot better. =3= I WANT AN IPAD!!! *screams* I want to print screen my darlings' faces and look at them every freaking time until I'm absolutely satisfied. The thing that deeply upsets me is that they aren't available on PC... OTZ There are much more otome games available on phones than on PC; I just found out very recently. But still, I guess its good enough just finding out about it... *tear drops*

          Alright! Back to the holidays! So, yesterday was my first time hanging out with my tuition mates; we ate together. I was seated with males in front and on my left and it felt kind of awkward even though we have been friends for about a year and a half now. OTZ But after that, I got used to it. It was kind of nice being able to hang out seeing as it will be the last time we are ever going to be a class. Oh, that statement makes me so damn sad.

          So, yesterday was Kevin's birthday and the waitress gave him some kind of dessert for free - which he shares with everyone; how sweet of him. *bubbly eyes* We sang a birthday song for him out of his consent and he was so embarrassed! XD Happy Birthday Kevin!

          I hope that we will be able to keep in touch and everything and I'll never ever forget the times we spent together as a class. The next time we're going to meet is probably when we go and retrieve our results. Oh God, I sure hope I did well. >.< My future partially depends on this, so please let me have at least a B! *kneels down*

          Next year's going to be my last year in secondary school and boy, am I sad. I still hasn't decide what I want to do, which college/university I want to attend, my future life, anything. OTZ I hope it'll all work out somehow, but no matter what, my future will lie in my own hands.

          Enough of talking; I shall sign out now and hope that my eyes will not burn out due to excessive mobile gaming. XD

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