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Wednesday 26 December 2012

(Subaru) My Sweet Bodyguard - Episode 5

          Are you ready for Ep5? XD I know its not that awesome or anything, but I'm just contributing to the game I love. So, I shall be continuing the reviews!

I bought him that bow tie he's wearing. 

My stomach's rumbling... T^T

I- It shows?!

I'm sure.

Obviously... OTZ

But why...? T^T

~~~ MISSION ~~~

          Sorry for not separating the mission from the main story... OTZ

T- Thanks. >///<



A random guy from the opposition party strike up a conversation with me.
This Fukuda...!

Subaru and Fukuda went into an argument after this.

Katsuragi is here to have a word with Subaru.
Now I'm scared. <.<

I'm sorry...! It wasn't on purpose! 

I know...

You saying that makes me all the more sad, Mizuki... T^T

          It made me feel kinda sad having Subaru taken away. I was panicking when Katsuragi said that he needs to talk to Subaru. I hope he's fine... >.< So, here's the review for next episode:

          I'm sorry if I messed up some episodes and added contents from other episodes. >.< I'm pretty sure I didn't, but that's just in case. Be sure to stay tuned! XD

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